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How To Quit Smoking Marijuana

Quitting marijuana use may be difficult however, it can be the healthiest life decision.


Marijuana is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs. Marijuana is smoked by teens to adults alike, however there are some health risks involved with this toxic substance. Using marijuana can lead to addiction, and addiction in youth may be more challenging to overcome. Youth addiction can lead to mental health conditions, asthma, sinus infections, and bronchitis as well as low performance in school. Young minds are still growing, and marijuana use can affect brain development in individuals up to age 25.


For some individuals quitting may be more difficult than it would be for others, however by quitting ones health does improve. Here are some ways you can quit:

  • You can taper your use

  • Quit cold turkey ( withdrawal symptoms may be difficult to work through)

  • Set a deadline to quit and work towards it

The American Society of Addiction medicine (ASAMA) recommends gradually tapering your use down to combat the sometimes powerful symptoms of withdrawal. Some signs of withdrawal may include aggression, anxiety, changes in appetite, cravings, depression, flu-like symptoms, headaches, sleeping difficulties and weight fluctuations. Research has shown that roughly 90% of marijuana users who are dependent experience some form of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms may last around a week for most people, but for others symptoms may last for several weeks and even months. It is important to stick to your goals in quitting marijuana use, understanding your triggers may help. Finding healthy ways to cope with triggers can be very beneficial.

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