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Supportive does not mean accept abusive behaviors

Credits: @boundariedbootcamp

A lot of aggressive behaviors make sense when we understand where they come from. But does that mean we can’t have boundaries about how we’re being treated?

This is a spot that lot of compassionate and empathic people get stuck in.

Because we can see “the pain behind the pain,” as it were.

Understanding the painful wounds of the past help the current behaviors make a lot of sense.

But does that mean we have to accept the current behaviors?

You know what boundaries tell us?

We can have both/and.

We can have BOTH compassion for the wounds of the past AND firm standards for how we will be treated now.

Being wounded from past trauma is really awful and tough (((truly)))…

AND it still does not excuse causing harm now.

No one is helped when we allow ourselves to be treated badly.

Wounds are not healed when we accept poor treatment.

All that does is make more wounds.

Boundaries help us walk in the beautiful space of both/and.

Because you deserve compassion too.

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