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We all make mistakes. Yet, we fear failure and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Most of us understand intellectually that failure is...

Are You Empowering or Enabling?

The desire to help others, especially those who mean the most to us, is one of the noblest of human instincts. Parents want to help their...

Raising Confident Teens

One of the core ingredients our teens need to become successful adults is confidence. Confidence enables them to think outside-the-box...

Warning Signs of Suicide

Suicide is complicated and tragic, but it is often preventable. Knowing the warning signs for suicide and how to get help can help save...

6 Treatments For Addiction That Are Proven Successful

Addiction treatment is not one-size-fits-all. Treatments may vary based on your needs. You can choose the treatment that works best for...

Why are Young People so Anxious These Days?

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you may feel like you can’t relax. Or you may feel that social situations are too intimidating, so...

Why You Need Daily Motivation?

No matter what you're experiencing in life, motivation will bring benefits. Below, we'll discuss some common benefits of motivation....

Should your teen have a part-time job?

There are pros and cons, but there are many benefits to getting some early work experience during the high school years. On average,...

Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Young Adults

Bipolar disorder is not the same as the typical ups and downs every kid goes through. The mood swings are more extreme and accompanied by...

Steps to Good Decision Making Skills for Teens

Teens make potentially life-altering decisions every single day. Yet, most teens aren't ever given skills about how to make healthy...

How I'm Protecting My Energy in a Covid-19 World

A New Year tends to bring a vibrant burst of new energy. All of a sudden, you’re saying “yes!” to all of those social plans, goal-setting...

Supportive does not mean accept abusive behaviors

Credits: @boundariedbootcamp A lot of aggressive behaviors make sense when we understand where they come from. But does that mean we...

Recovery Capital

What is Recovery Capital? Recovery capital refers to the total internal and external resources a person can access to initiate and...

Help is HERE

There are ways to support yourself & those around you. If you or someone you know needs help, confidential support and treatment options...

Resilience = Brilliance

So many lessons have come out of the pandemic. Like young people of the past who’ve lived through natural disasters and wartime, today’s...

Winter Blue or SAD

Is it just the "winter blues" or seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? This National Institute of Mental Health infographic may help guide...

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Not Knowing Is Fool
Seeking Help Is Cool 

By Encouraging Leaders & Asian Media Access

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. #notknowingisfoolseekinghelpiscool serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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